There were several jobs that absolutely had to be completed. The first was every classroom needed a fresh coat of paint. When it had been painted last I'm not sure, but the fact is with children and their propensity for drawing on things this school needed some new looking walls. Enter men and women with paintbrushes and several different colors of paint. The result is a surprisingly more vibrant and honestly welcoming school. I actually don't feel like I'm walking the hallways of a mental institution any more. While I may still be patrolling said hallways, at least I don't feel like I'm surrounded by a world of drab white and screaming children. I'm only surrounded by screaming children.
Next, every window, and door needed to be replaced in the school. Why, I'm not entirely sure,
However, these are all the things they have done to the interior of m
This is what they have done to my building. The building across from my office has been turned from a standard school building, into something that could possibly have been dreamed by Dr. Seuss. Utilizing the same sheet metal colors, they decided to add Green accents to this building. Not only that, but they decided that the building needed to look a little more new age. Gone is the nice simple rectangular shape. Granted its not very imaginative, but this is an elementary school, not architecture school.
I was not asked about how the school should look, and honestly, while I think it looks bad, I'll deal with it. What I am not happy about however is the way that the work was done on my school. They are still not finished with my building. We are three weeks into the new semester and they are still working on my building. My office has no windows, just a plastic sheet. Luckily they are almost finished, but the time management by the company was poorly planned. They had five weeks where there were no major classes besides my English summer school. We were in a separate building and only had class for three weeks. What aggravates me the most is that they knew they were not going to have the building opposite my building done before school started. They brought in the Korean version of portable classrooms. They made classrooms out of cargo containers.
This is standard practice in Korea. They brought in enough container classrooms so that they didn't have to have the building done in time. What is problematic, is that they knew this, yet still chose to keep 1/3 of the work force working on the building that didn't have to hold classes until the start of the next school year in March. What this means is that until just recently, we have had to deal with men on scaffolding, drilling, cutting, and making all types of racket while we teach. This makes teaching English quite difficult because I already have to fight for my students attention. Needless to say I've had to remind them several times that class is not outside the window, but in front of them. They could have easily finished everything by the first week of school if they had just assigned that 1/3 of the workforce to my building. Yet, instead they chose to have nap time for 1 hour every day, and work on both buildings at the same time. If a company ran a contract like this back home there would have been major repercussions.
The worst part of all of this has been dealing with the noise pollution that construction creates. I have not had a class in three weeks where I have not had to pause and wait for someone to finish cutting, drilling, or yelling at another person. It makes the whole thing a challenge at times. Yes, its something that I have to deal with and there is nothing that I can do about it. Well I can complain to all of you and show you some pictures of what they have done to my school.