Sunday, June 3, 2012


Normally I try to steer clear of issues which may be incendiary or lead to misunderstandings.  However, this time I feel the need to address this subject matter head on.  First, this blog will not be a vitriolic attack on Korea, their culture, or even the older generations of people in this country.  In my 3 1/2 years here I have had countless good experiences and conversations with people of all backgrounds.  Moreover, I believe that I try to understand the differences between Korean and western culture more than most people.  Second, I understand that this new report only represents the view of a small vocal minority of people in the country.  Finally, I do not believe that getting outraged will do anything.  Reacting emotionally to something like this will only give ammunition to the very people who espouse such vitriol.

I guess I need to get on to what this is about.  Basically, last week or sometime in the last month I was made aware of a news broadcast which was aired on MBC.  MBC is one of the 4 major news corporations in Korea.  This news broadcast sought to expose the truth about relationships between foreign men and Korean women.  Before I go into any commentary I think it would be best for you to actually watch the news segment.

Unlike a lot of people I know, I feel no need to get completely up in arms about the audacity of MBC to air such a direct attack on the foreign population of this country.  It's their news agency and they can say what they want.  This is very much the same view I hold about the Westboro Baptist Church.  I cannot condone what they believe in and stand for.  I find it absolutely revolting what they do, but they have the right to believe in the bigoted nonsense that they do and to act accordingly.  However, I would like to address three things located in this news reports.

First and foremost, the quality of the reporting.  I have seen better reporting done in high school.  This report never once shows the questions that the foreigners have been asked.  All it shows is them waxing poetically about their experiences in Korea.  Given the location that they are reporting from Hongdae (a well known bar and club district), and the time of day that the reporting is taking place at (night), it is safe to assume that a lot of these people being interviewed are slightly to seriously inebriated.  Even more significant is the fact that this area is located directly across from a major university in Seoul.  Going beyond the people selected to be interviewed and the answers that were given there were no attempts at following up on the baseless assumptions that are made throughout the video.  The entire video is a xenophobic attack on foreigners without a single shred of direct evidence or statistics to support their claims.  Which just happens to be my next point of contention.

Second, where is the evidence.  Are there complete scumbags in the foreign population of this country?  Absolutely.  I have had the severe displeasure of knowing some of them, and running into others.  I do not doubt for a second that every one of the stories they presented about bad things happening were true.  However, they offer only a few stories and allow the watcher to assume that all relationships work this way.  This is patently untrue.  I know several people who are in long standing functional relationships with foreigners.  I know several couples who are married.  In fact, most relationships in Korea that I've seen or known about follow the western standard of a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.  Once again, there are dirtbags who cheat, steal, and abuse, but by far a majority of the foreigners here are upstanding citizens.  Going beyond this, the report uses three women who refuse to answer their questions, or deny knowing what they're talking about.  What is interesting is that they use three straight denials as evidence they are correct.  If this was so prevalent, would they not have easily been able to find countless women willing to go on record about how they were taking advantage of?  Lets not even discuss the question being so loaded that not even a political pundit could ask it and get away with it.  Going beyond these few stories they find to support their claims, they offer no statistical or factual evidence.  There are no numbers, court cases, or even news reports.

Finally, the viewpoint of women this news report has.  Women are portrayed in two ways.  They are either complete whores who are flaunting tradition by running around with "daring" displays of intimacy.  Or they are completely helpless women who are being stalked by predatory foreigners.  Either way the view of women is completely archaic and has no direct standing to the women this country is currently producing.  In this, I think we find quite possibly the real reason this video was made.  The xenophobia is nothing new.  This video was made to criticize and shame the women who are seen with foreign men.  Why?  One possible reason is that there is a small, but widening gender gap in the country and Korean men, particularly those living in rural areas and farming, are being forced to accept arranged marriages with foreign women (normally Thai, Cambodian, or Filipino).

I'd like to add one final point of commentary before leaving this subject alone.  This attitude towards women and foreigners is nothing new.  However, what is new, for the first time in Korean history is the option for Korean women not to put up with it any more.  In fact, most every woman I know who has decent ability in the English language is fed up with Korean men.  They have no interest in dating them, marrying them, or starting families with them.  This can be for multiple reasons, but from talking with many women who feel this way, it always boils down to one simple reason.  The attitude of a lot of Korean men towards women is something akin to the 19th century.  However, I feel the need to state, that once again, this is not everyone.  I know some wonderful Korean men with very modern sensibilities towards women.