The primary means of work that I've been engaged in during the past two weeks was an epic, yet exhausting Winter English Camp. This camp, was far more fun, and far more work then I ever expected. It was definitely worth the time and effort I had to put into it. It was also probably worth the new pair of glasses it cost me, to go along with the sprained ankle and black eye. Those two stories do fall under the realm of embarrassing and I know that I cannot get away without telling them.
The sprained ankle story is quite simple really. I
Now the black eye, that story is far more hilarious, and happened a simple twelve hours after trying to break my ankle while walking. Our camp went to this local sledding place on a field trip. Now I had managed to avoid going down the ice hill for most the time we were there, but the kids, and my fellow co-teachers *coughs* Brenden, David, and Henry decided that we must go down the hill. This turned out to be
The camp was a success though, even with lots of confusion and tireless hours. I did fulfill one of my goals during my camp. I ate live wriggling octopus. It was pretty good. Very chewy, but
In other news, the Lunar New Year has come and gone in Korea. Lunar New Year is the biggest holiday of the year in Korea, and I must say that we partied like it. The weekend started off great with me meeting a new friend named Jin Sook. She is 27 and a English teacher at a hagwon here in Seosan. We met last Saturday at one of my favorite bars. Thankfully I did meet her on Saturday, because on Monday I really needed her help.
As Drew and I are wandering into downtown for our festivities to begin, I stopped by one of the local ATM's to get out the cash I will need for the night. Well, as soon as I put my card in the machine, the machine cycles off, and then re-starts. It doesn't give me my card back. My recruiter, Ryan, was busy with a family dinner and could not get away for at least and hour. Much to my surprise, Jin Sook messages me asking what I'm up to. Complet
Soalal, or Lunar New Years was a pretty epic party, and if I am here for it again I'm quite sure it will be fun. Other then that it's been life at the grindstone. Working for the man just to get my money. Well, can you really call it a grindstone if I really love the job? Next stop in my journey, San Diego surprising enough. John Malkin is getting married and my ass is going to spend 36 hours travelling to make sure that I see it. I can't wait man. I will be in San Diego for a few days, and if you want to see me, you're going to have to get in line. I'm going to be really busy, I'm thinking we might have to just have a get together on Friday or Saturday night so that everyone can have access to the man. I will hopefully see some of you, if not all of you during my stay in SD.
Here is a list of the photos and what they are:
1. camp students doing morning exercises
2. camp dinner
3. the hill of pain
4. the aftermath
5. me eating live octopus
6. Julie being MC Julie, my favorite bartender in Seosan.
1 comment:
Woot, Will is coming to SD! I probably will only be able to see you at Jon's wedding (what with Jinneane's wedding the DAY before!) but that will be fun! It will be a party, knowing Jon. :) And it's so awesome to hear that you love your job. Esp when you do things like getting a black eye in the process! haha Anyways, I will see you soon!
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