The history of Korean independence, like so many other colonial struggles, started with a small group of dedicated nationalists, and ended with the deaths of thousands of people. Inspired by Wilson's 14 points and the right to national "self-determination" the people of Korea, and numerous other colonized countries began a process of rebellion against their colonial power. In the case of Korea, their colonial power was Japan. Japan having recently emerged from its cloak of secrecy was rapidly catching up to the west due to the Meiji restoration. Their first attempt at a colonial policy was directed at Korea. Japan viewed Korea as a dagger pointed directly at the heart of Japan. They believed that if Korea was colonized by another power it would be a direct threat to Japanese security. Korea for centuries had been a suzerain state of China. While nominally an independent nation, Korea routinely paid homage to the Chinese emperor. Chinese policies heavily influenced the Korean government.
Japan first forced the government of Korea to open itself to Japanese trade and interests with the Treaty of Ganghwa in 1876. From this point on the countries of Japan and China were in continual conflict to exert more influence and control over the policies and people of Korea. In 1894 these tensions came to a head with the outbreak of the 1st Sino-Japanese war (August 1894-April 1895). This war was primarily fought in Korea and led to the expulsion of the Chinese army and Chinese influence. After the war ended the Korean ruler Empress Myeongseong, advocated stronger ties between Korea and Russia in an attempt to block Japanese interests in Korea. This led to her assassination on October 8th 1895. Under orders from the Japanese minster to Korea several swordsman entered the Empress's bed chambers and killed her and two other women who might have been her. Directly after her murder the conspirators burned her body and spread her ashes in a pine forest. In 1905 Korea became a protectorate of Japan, and in 1910 it was officially annexed by Japan.
This brief history ignores many of the factors that caused the March 1st movement. Koreans, like most Asian societies, are an exceptionally proud people. They are proud of their heritage, their language, their history, their culture, etc. Japan during its control of Korea attempted a sort of "cultural genocide." Korean monuments, history, names, and buildings were either changed, removed to Japan, or destroyed altogether. This does not also include retaliation for villages which hid partisan fighters. The retaliation often ended in rape, murder, and the village being burnt to the ground. Needless to say all of the bad things associated with colonialism happened here in Korea. I also freely admit at this point that I have been influenced by my time spent in Korea. No matter what your take on the Japanese annexation of Korea, the simple fact was that within 9 years of official annexation, and within 24 years of official involvement in Korea the March 1st Movement happened.
The March 1st Movement began when 33 nationalists met in Taehwagwan Restaurant in Seoul and signed the Korean Declaration of Independence. After signing the declaration they informed the local police of their actions and waited calmly until the police arrived and arrested them. Later that day, a student walked into Tapgol Park in Seoul and read the declaration aloud to several thousand people who had gathered there. Across the country on that day appointed delegates read the declaration across the country at 2 p.m. The declaration sparked twelve months of protests in which over 2 million people took part in over 1,500 protests. During these protests over 7,000 people were killed, 15,000 wounded, and 46,000 people were arrested. There were several reprisals by the Japanese including the imprisonment, torture and murder of several hundred people in Seodaemun prison, all without trial.
It is with all of this in mind, and much more that Korea pauses every March 1st, and remembers those who suffered, those who sacrificed, and those who died, to fight for the essential right of freedom we take for granted every day.
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