Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years Thought.....

It comes upon us every year, and most of those that I know stop for a minute to reflect upon what happened to them. We pause to make promises that most of us will not keep for more then a week or so. We say "This year I will lose weight. This year I will stop smoking. This year I will go back to school. This year, this year, this year...." All of this is an attempt to justify what we spent the last year doing, and realizing that as we get older, the chances are we will spend the next year doing the same things. I will talk with my friends, I will miss my friends, but when the dawn comes on the next new year, chances are that the world will still be a different place for us.

I find myself here before the dawn of a new decade, and I realize that I will soon lose two or four people who are very close to me. Some will pass sooner then the others, and others will quietly fade into the long goodbye. I guess it with this looming loss ahead of me that I look towards my next decade on this planet. A decade which promises great joy, great achievements, and immense hardship. In light of these future events, I would like to offer a toast, a prayer, or just some old fashioned hope for all of you.

May the dawning of the next decade find you well. May the memories of those we lose outweigh the memories of the way we lose them. May we all find love, be it love renewed, love obtained, or love forgotten that is found again. May we all endeavor to find those who mean, meant, or will mean everything to us and tell them just how important they are. May you have peace, joy, and happiness and may god smile upon us all. No matter by what name we call him. Happy New Year everyone, may its dawn find you well, and may its course enrich us all.

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